Does a vaporizer work with just water?

The vaporizers are extremely easy to use: simply fill them with water and turn on the unit, and the comforting vapor you want comes out. Plus, there are no filters to replace. Humidifiers are used to add moisture to the air, usually with the intention of combating dry climates or relieving cold and flu symptoms. A vaporizer is a type of hot mist humidifier that uses boiling water to create hot steam.

Both devices can ease discomfort when used properly, but daily cleaning is important to lower the risk of bacterial growth. Because they use boiling water, vaporizers may not be suitable for young children. Humidifiers and vaporizers add water vapor to the air. They moisten the air and combat dryness, making them a useful home remedy for many conditions that can cause dry nose, dry skin, or congestion.

Vaporizers use a heating element to boil water, which then lets the steam escape. How do you use a vaporizer? The vaporizers are extremely easy to use: simply fill them with water and turn on the unit, and the comforting vapor you want comes out. A major advantage vaporizers have over humidifiers is the fact that boiled water from a vaporizer is purified, meaning that the vapor it emits is clean to breathe. That said, the steam produced by steam vaporizers can be more hygienic, since the water is boiled before leaving the machine.